Why Hillary Loses Election Today

Hillary Clinton wants to keep ‘assault weapons’ out of the hands of terrorists and off of our streets. She wants to sound reasonable for her low information supporters who do not listen to facts or reason. An ‘assault weapon’ is the most popular rifle in America by sales to law abiding citizens who have all passed background checks. These rifles are semi-automatic, meaning they fire one bullet when you press the trigger; that’s no different than any other hunting rifle.

She is so out of touch with reality I feel sorry for her. Criminals do not buy their guns legally with a background check; instead they buy them on the black market, or steal them out of peoples vehicles and homes. Drugs such as marijuana and heroin are banned and they can be found anywhere on the streets of America. If weapons are banned, criminals will still have them, and the law abiding citizen will be defenseless against armed attackers.

Americans have the right to protect themselves from criminals and terrorists. An effective means of defense is the gun; not limited to a certain type. Pistols, rifles, and shotguns are legitimate for home defense based on an individuals preference. The 2nd Amendment says that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

She hasn’t named the terrorists, she just wants to stop ‘them’. Perhaps Libertarians, Republicans, Conservatives, and the ‘alt-right’ are terrorists in HC’s mind; anyone who disagrees with her would face persecution.

HC is proposing doing “more” to identify and stop terrorists from carrying out attacks in the United States. She plans to increase resources to prevent attacks before they happen, launching an intelligence ‘surge’ on the American people and building relationships with Muslim communities.

She is endorsing is mass government surveillance of all citizen’s emails (except for hers), text messages, phone calls, web browsing, and social media. The 1st Amendment be damned in her eyes.

HC’s vision for keeping America safe is to bypass the Constitution, spy on us, expand government taxes and spending, and ban the most popular rifle in America. She is against what Americans stand for and she will be defeated at the polls today.

Yellow Journalism Against Liberty

The stories we see in the “mainstream media” remind me of yellow journalism when newspapers were popular and practiced attention grabbing headlines in order to increase newspaper sales, whether or not they were true. The USS Maine exploded in Havana Harbor in 1889, was this an accident when the coal stores exploded, or was this the result of an attack by an explosive device?


Infamous examples of yellow journalism were two competing newspaper front page headlines between the New York World and the New York Journal, designed to sway public opinion in favor of war with Spain. One emphasized the explosion was the fault of an enemy, while the other emphasized this was caused by a bomb or torpedo with an illustration of the USS Maine exploding and sailors bodies flying through the air. Unfortunately, this type of journalism continues today, reporting what fits the “mainstream media” narrative instead of true facts.

Businesses are burned down, property stolen, people are assaulted, traffic is blocked, none of these are reasonable actions to take as a result of a person being shot by police, but the MSM reports them as “protests”. The news will report that the person was unarmed or had their hands up, to provoke public outrage against the police. Often times the reporting is inaccurate and does not reflect the truth.

The MSM are pushing for gun control, billionaires such as Michael Bloomberg want the populace disarmed. Those on the left won’t admit they have created a climate of violence in the major cities they control. Poverty, ignorance, hopelessness, corruption, and drugs abound in Democratically controlled areas, if you point out these reasons for the violence, you will falsely be called a racist. They blame guns for the violence in America, coining the term “gun violence”, which is nonsensical to say an inanimate object is violent. Progressives use the media to further their gun control agenda, they do not believe you have the right to defend yourself.

A Somali immigrant went on a stabbing spree in the St. Cloud Minnesota mall, asking people if they were Muslim before attacking them. You can see more details about this attack and Jason Falconer, the concealed carrier, the good guy with a gun that stopped the attack on the website Bearing Arms. Many news headlines said that he was an officer or retired or off-duty that stopped this attack, ignoring the fact that he was a concealed carrier. While he had police work in his background, they failed to mention that he is an instructor who teaches citizens concealed carry and self defense skills. A concealed carrier successfully stopping an attack does not fit the MSM narrative of gun control.

American liberty is about more than the second amendment, it’s about the right of the people to think and speak what they please without being condemned for it. I encourage everyone to seek out independent news sources so they can obtain truthful information. Next time you see a headline, take a second to analyze it and think about how they are manipulating events to fit their destructive progressive agenda.

You can see parallels between “news” today and the yellow journalism of old. Keep your mind focused on facts and scrutinize articles that you read to evaluate their truthfulness. The only way for freedom and liberty to flourish is for the truth to be known. Continue concealed carrying LC style and stay safe everyone!

How I Spread Liberty (so can you!)

How do I get involved in spreading liberty? I have heard this question asked countless times on tv programs, radio shows, and podcasts.

The government has become a leviathan and does not value individual liberty. Despite the 2016 election results, government will continue to tax, make new laws, make war, imprison, and kill people. Continue reading “How I Spread Liberty (so can you!)”

Why I Carry

When I turned 21 I got a Concealed Carry Permit. I didn’t live in a high crime area or have paranoia issues. None of my friends or family ever used a gun to protect themselves. I didn’t think I’d be in a situation where I needed a gun. I still don’t. So why then, do I carry a gun? Click to find out why I carry.

The State & Mandatory Training


Should there be requirements for people who want to conceal carry? This issue is left to the state governments to decide, some require training and a license before being able to carry a concealed pistol. Some states have Constitutional Carry where permitless concealed carry is allowed. It is interesting to note that the government does not administer the required class, but allows the free market to provide the class. Does this forced government training produce competent concealed carriers? The answer is NO. Continue reading “The State & Mandatory Training”